- Navy blue academy blazer with the North Oxfordshire Academy badge
- Blazer sleeves must be worn rolled down
- A light blue long or short sleeved shirt. If wearing a tie the shirt must be fully buttoned. If not wearing a tie a revere collared shirt must be worn.
- Plain navy tailored trousers (ankle length)
- Plain navy tailored knee length shorts
- Plain knee length navy skirt with North Oxfordshire Academy logo at waistband (which must always be visible) or plain navy tailored trousers (ankle length)
- The academy grey jumper (optional in cold weather)
- Belts must be plain black or navy with no big buckles or logos
- If a tie is worn - each house has a different coloured stripe which enables staff to recognise which house each student belongs to
- If a tie is not worn - House identity strip above academy badge which must be ironed or sewn on at home
- Headscarf – plain black or navy
- Blue, Black or natural coloured tights. No leggings or patterned tights allowed.
- Must be black flat and plain shoes. (no boots) No trainers are permitted.
- There should be no logos, stripes/ticks or patterns on shoes. If you are in any doubt about the academy rules regarding shoes please contact your child’s pastoral leader before purchasing them.
Other Items
- One plain gold or silver stud per ear in any location of the ear.
- One watch (watches connected to mobile phone technology must only be used for time telling).
- One discreet nose stud may be worn.
- No other jewellery may be worn.
Please note that jewellery will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the academic day or if necessary, a parent will be asked to collect from the academy.
Body piercings/tattoos
There must be no visible body piercings and/or tattoos. Tongue piercings are absolutely forbidden in school. Please ensure your child does not wear the following;
- Stretchers/expanders/bars
- Hooped earrings & ear cuffs
If you decide to allow your child to have an additional piercing to that allowed above, please do so at the start of the summer holidays so that it has time to heal and be removed when they return to school.
- No nail varnish (even natural colours) is to be worn in the academy at all.
- No false nails/acrylic nails may be worn at anytime.
To be natural – no unnatural colour, extensions, hair sculpture, decorative shaved patterns are not permitted.
Year 7,8 & 9 – No make-up allowed at all.
Year 10 & 11 only light foundation and mascara may be worn.
False eyelashes are not permitted.
Summer Uniform Variations
The academy may permit students to stop wearing their blazers or make other uniform adjustments on a particular day. This will be communicated in advance via ARBOR to parents and carers. Shorts may be worn; they must be navy tailored shorts (length just above the knee) only with no additional pockets.
PE Kit
The PE kit is an essential part of each student’s equipment.
PE kit must be brought to all PE lessons even if students are excused from PE as they will be expected to participate in student observations, coaching etc.
- NOA polo shirt (sky blue) and/or NOA fitted polo shirt (navy with sky blue)
- NOA long sleeved rugby top – navy with sky blue (optional)
- NOA hooded sweatshirt (navy)
- NOA shorts (navy) and/or NOA skort (navy with sky blue)
- Sports leggings can be worn under Skort/Shorts (no tights are allowed and must be removed)
- NOA socks (navy/sky blue hoops)
- Tracksuit bottoms (navy/black – Plain)
- Footwear: trainers
Optional, but recommended items:
- Tracksuit bottoms (plain navy or black)
- Leggings (plain navy/black – only allowed to be worn under shorts/skorts) No tights are allowed.
- Base layers (plain navy/black)
- NOA long sleeve polo shirt (navy with sky blue - recommended for contact rugby lessons and fixtures)
- Shin pads and gum shields are available to buy from the PE department/Student Services
- Footwear: studded boots for football or rugby