Parent Pay
ParentPay is the software used for adding money to your child’s lunch account. It is currently also being used to take payments for students attending music lessons. Login details have been emailed to all Year 7 students, if you have not received your login details or if you experience any difficulties with logging in to ParentPay, please contact reception for support. Please use the following link to find further instructions on accessing ParentPay for the first time:
Logging in to ParentPay
Parents can track their child’s progress using Arbor. Your child’s Arbor profile will include their timetabling information, their attendance statistics, and their positive/negative behavioural notes from teachers. There are also useful functions within Arbor such as in-app messages and the school shop for purchasing items such as lockers. Arbor can be accessed by logging in via the website or by downloading the app. The following link includes instructions for parents logging in to Arbor for the first time: Logging in to Arbor
Students are not permitted to wear their coats inside the Academy. Lockers are available to buy on Arbor’s school shop (this can be found under the ‘Quick Actions’). The charge for a locker is £15 per annum. Once purchased, the student will need to attend student services during their lunch break to receive their locker number and instructions on how to create their locker code.
Evolve trips
Parents can book on to and pay for school trips on Evolve. Parents will receive an email when their child has been invited to attend a school trip; within this email there will be a link that can be used to book a space on the trip. A consent form will then be generated for parents to complete, this is required for all students attending a trip. Parents are also able to download the myEVOLVE app to access all the relevant information for their child’s upcoming trip.
Consent for Sporting Fixtures
Consent is required for all students wishing to participate in sporting fixtures at the school. Fixtures are held both on and off site. Students without consent will not be allowed to participate in afterschool sporting fixtures. To provide consent for your child to attend fixtures, please click the following link: Consent for Fixtures