At year 11, the emphasis for careers in on 1to1 individual career guidance. At the beginning of the year, students and parents are provided a list with the local college and schools post-16 open days so that they can plan visits accordingly and ensure they look at all options for informed choice and to secure back up plans. All students are given at least one interview with our Careers Advisor, although some students (dependent on need) can have 5 or 6 meetings. These meetings also allow for students to be matched to the right career initiatives (apprenticeship workshops, army workshops…) that run throughout the year. Year 11 also have careers assemblies from the local college, ASK apprenticeships as well as companies like National Citizen Service (NCS). Oxbridge potential students will continue their mentoring programme of workshops.
Careers in the curriculum is vitally important so that students can link their current learning within their subjects to later careers. Around the academy, there are subject specific careers boards that highlight university and local apprenticeship routes, as well as past student successes and how they have used that subject to springboard their careers. Where possible, over the next 3 years, through subject Career Champions, we will be looking to increase the number of subject-specific careers trips and employers into the curriculum.
All Year 11 students have access to Unifrog. During careers in tutor or accessed from home, students can engage with exploring the range of career pathways; careers and subject searches; look up universities, courses and apprenticeships; and record their activities, competencies and interactions. There is also a facility to find apprenticeships and compare Sixth Form and college. There are quizzes to complete to help direct the research and regular themed sessions such as ‘Green’ week and careers in this sector.
All students in Y11 are invited to attend the Apprenticeship and Careers Fair that is held at NOA in Feb/March. This is an opportunity for students to meet local employers, talk to current apprentices, colleges, universities and training providers.
For year 11 students who have opted to come to NOA Sixth Form then we run a range of activities including: Sixth Form open day for parents and students, interview process that includes parents and a chance to discuss A Level subject choices, Year 11 into 12 induction day, subject transition projects.